Beachcomber Tickets

PinkTalkingFish Live at the Beachcomber

Event: 8210
Pink Talking Fish is a Hybrid Tribute Fusion Act that takes the music from three of the world's most beloved bands and creates a special treat for fans of the music. Pink Floyd, The Talking Heads and Phish are all more than just bands... they are Phenomenons. Their creations have artistically inspired people and their mindblowing live performances have brought people together to form a special sense of community around the love for their favorite band. Although the music from each act is different, Pink Talking Fish has discovered that fusing the material together creates an amazing story. The epic emotion of Pink Floyd.... The funky, danceable layerings of The Talking Heads.... The multitude of styles, unique compositional structures and pure fun of Phish.... to merge these three into one gives music lovers a special experience.
Date Doors At Price Type Convenience
Available Quantity
Thursday July 4, 20249pm$30.0021 PLUS$3.00
No Longer
*You will be placed on will call list. NO TICKETS WILL BE MAILED. Bring your printed receipt & ID to show.
*NO REFUNDS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Admission may not be available day of show... buy now!
*You will be placed on will call list. NO TICKETS WILL BE MAILED. Bring your printed receipt & ID to show. *NO REFUNDS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Admission may not be available day of show... buy now!
Thursday July 4, 2024 9pm 21 PLUS $30.00 + $3.00