Beachcomber Tickets

Jonathan Richman Live at the Beachcomber

Jonathan Richman is always one of the best shows at the comber!
Event: 8008
You're watching Repo Man and you hear a third generation punk band from LA singing about how 'some people like to pick up girls and get called 'asshole'...this never happened to Pablo Picasso'. You're listening to a Sex Pistols bootleg of the first tune they ever recorded trashing a song called 'Road Runner'. You rent a video called Kingpin and there's this quirky little group playing in the background of a bowling alley scene. Then the whole world figures out- there's something about Mary... What do these incidents all have in common? A native son of Massachusetts named Jonathan Richman.
Date Doors At Price Type Convenience
Available Quantity
Friday June 20, 20039pm$1121 PLUS$2.50
No Longer
*You will be placed on will call list. NO TICKETS WILL BE MAILED. Bring your printed receipt & ID to show.
*NO REFUNDS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Admission may not be available day of show... buy now!
*You will be placed on will call list. NO TICKETS WILL BE MAILED. Bring your printed receipt & ID to show. *NO REFUNDS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Admission may not be available day of show... buy now!
Friday June 20, 2003 9pm 21 PLUS $11 + $2.50